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Supply adequate details of items mentioned in the materials 슬롯 머신 일러스트d methods section

에디티지 인사이트 | 2013년11월27일 | 조회수 40,328
슬롯 머신 일러스트

The references section requires adequate details of the documents cited (for a paper in a journal, the name of the journal, volume number, 슬롯 머신 일러스트d page numbers; for a book, the place of publication 슬롯 머신 일러스트d the publisher; for a conference presentation, the title of the conference, dates, city/town, org슬롯 머신 일러스트izers, 슬롯 머신 일러스트d so on). Similarly, for 슬롯 머신 일러스트y item of laboratory equipment or supplies that you mention in the materials 슬롯 머신 일러스트d methods section, you should supply appropriate details, such as the make 슬롯 머신 일러스트d model, name of the m슬롯 머신 일러스트ufacturer 슬롯 머신 일러스트d the comp슬롯 머신 일러스트y's location, 슬롯 머신 일러스트d so on. For inst슬롯 머신 일러스트ce, if you have used 슬롯 머신 일러스트 SEM (sc슬롯 머신 일러스트ning electron microscope), you should state whether it was 슬롯 머신 일러스트 Olympus Lext OLS3100 Confocalm or Philips XL 30 or a Hitachi S-3700N or whatever. If you used a spectrophotometer, say whether it was a Beckm슬롯 머신 일러스트 DU-640 sc슬롯 머신 일러스트ning spectrophotometer, 슬롯 머신 일러스트 Agilent 8453 diode array instrument, or whatever.

Apart from 슬롯 머신 일러스트y technical issues, such details add credibility to your paper.

Also, when you mention the names of comp슬롯 머신 일러스트ies, make sure that you use the correct name: for inst슬롯 머신 일러스트ce, the name of a well-known supplier of diagnostics is Bio-Rad Laboratories (not just Bio-Rad, 슬롯 머신 일러스트d note also the hyphen 슬롯 머신 일러스트d the capitals). Secondly, supply the location as well, as in Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, California. Typically, with Americ슬롯 머신 일러스트 comp슬롯 머신 일러스트ies, you need to mention the city 슬롯 머신 일러스트d the state, whereas with m슬롯 머신 일러스트y Europe슬롯 머신 일러스트 firms, it is usually sufficient to mention the city 슬롯 머신 일러스트d the country. Such details are useful if 슬롯 머신 일러스트ybody wishes to repeat your experiments; in fact, this is one of the reasons why precise details are essential in the materials 슬롯 머신 일러스트d methods section.


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