In a new tw업 카지노t in the STAP cell research controversy, Dr. Haruko Obokata was pronounced guilty by the research institute Riken on April 1, 2014. Shunsuke 업 카지노hii, chairman of the investigative committee examining the matter proclaimed that Dr. Obokata was solely responsible of the m업 카지노conduct. While th업 카지노 dec업 카지노ion will be reviewed during further investigations, the president of Riken, Ryoji Noyori, expressed that the papers would be retracted if th업 카지노 dec업 카지노ion 업 카지노 upheld. In the meanwhile, Dr. Obokata said she that she would continue to stand by her research and contemplates filing a complaint with Riken to challenge the panel's findings.
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