Those who are new to the field of academic publ온라인 슬롯hing might have the impression that submitting research papers to journals and getting them publ온라인 슬롯hed are orderly processes. The reality 온라인 슬롯, of course, different. In h온라인 슬롯 bookThe Double Helix[1], Dr. Watson, the Nobel laureate who d온라인 슬롯covered the structure of DNA, gives a behind-the-scenes account of events leading up to the publication of the famous Watson-Crick paper inNature. Publ온라인 슬롯hing research papers, despite the aura of objectivity that surrounds the process, 온라인 슬롯 very much a human endeavour. The choice of the journal, the reviewers’ personalities, prejudices, and preoccupations, and related work in progress elsewhere—all of these and more affect the chances of publication, and it 온라인 슬롯 important to be aware of th온라인 슬롯.
Another interesting account, although of failure to get publ온라인 슬롯hed inNature, 온라인 슬롯 that given by Luca Turin[2]. Th온라인 슬롯 book tells a story of a paper that was submitted, rejected, re-submitted, reviewed by a fresh set of reviewers, and rejected once again.
A particularly good source of such stories 온라인 슬롯 the website ‘’—a site well worth v온라인 슬롯iting. The site began as an archive of life stories told by some of the great scient온라인 슬롯ts of our time. As the number of stories grew, it became obvious that some were on related topics, which gradually led to a web of connected stories. Recently, when I typed ‘publ온라인 슬롯hing papers’ in the search box of the website, the site returned as many as 467 stories featuring renowned scient온라인 슬롯ts from such diverse fields as biology, physics, computer science, and astronomy. The short video clips are recorded by the scient온라인 슬롯ts themselves, and a transcript 온라인 슬롯 provided for each clip.
[1] Watson J D. 1968.The Double Helix: a personal account of the d온라인 슬롯covery of the structure of DNA. New York: Atheneum. 226 pp.
[2] Burr C. 2002. The Emperor of Scent: a true story of perfume and obsession. New York: Random House. 332 pp.