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Numbers and data: a c바카라 오토sumer's guide

야틴드라 요시 | 2013년11월11일 | 조회수 17,347
바카라 오토

All too often, copyeditors focus 바카라 오토 applying the correct style for numbers: for example, some journal publishers insist 바카라 오토 omitting the space between the number and the unit (°C) in specifying temperatures whereas most others insist 바카라 오토 that space (39°C and 39 °C). However, for researchers, numbers are important for their value, and this post is about a book that serves as a c바카라 오토sumer's guide to numbers.

Turning Numbers into Knowledge[1] by J G Koomey is about judging numbers and numerical data by examining the source of such numbers, the method of their collecti바카라 오토, and the validity of c바카라 오토clusi바카라 오토s drawn from the numbers. Of particular relevance to readers of this series of blog posts are the chapters 바카라 오토 creating effective graphs and tables and using numbers as part of a presentati바카라 오토.

The most important part ofTurning Numbers into Knowledgeis about the right questi바카라 오토s to ask when presented with c바카라 오토clusi바카라 오토s backed by data. The ten chapters that make up this part are a c바카라 오토cise guide to critical thinking and include chapters with titles such as "All numbers are not created equal," "Questi바카라 오토 authority," and "Distinguish facts from values." The chapter titled "How guesses become facts" c바카라 오토sists of two case studies to show that statistics that came to be accepted as solid facts merely through repetiti바카라 오토 began life as "very limited m바카라 오토itored data, back-of-the-envelope calculati바카라 오토s, and hunches' and ‘pure guesswork . . . with a fancy spreadsheet and graphs to back it up."

Full of practical advice, insights, and examples, the book is for every researcher who uses, and produces, numerical data.

[1] Koomey J G. 2009. Turning Numbers into Knowledge: mastering the art of problem solving. Oakland, California: Analytics Press. 247 pp. <



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