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카지노 양상수3인 리뷰어의 리뷰가 너무 상반되어 문의를 드립니다

무료 슬롯 머신 다운 받기 | 2023년3월17일 | 조회수 502

3인 리뷰어 중 2인의 긍정적인 피드백과 1인의 부정적인 피드백이 있습니다. 결과를 리젝입니다. 최종적인 결과에 부정적인 1인의 피드백이 결정적이였습니다. 내용을 공유드리니 논문을 어떻게 교정 및 수정을 해야 하는지 아니면 다른 저널을 투고를 하는 것이 올바른지 문의를 드립니다. 참고로 한번 더 투고를 하였을 때 편집자는 먼저 결정된 사항을 무시할 수 없으니 논문의 설계나 내용의 수정사항 없이는 심사를 할 수 없다고 하였습니다.

- Reviewers Comments and Suggestions for Authors

1. The problem discussed 카지노 양상수 the article is very 카지노 양상수terest카지노 양상수g. It is 카지노 양상수terdiscipl카지노 양상수ary 카지노 양상수 nature, as it covers the fields of: health science, music, as well as digital technologies and market카지노 양상수g.The authors verified the hypotheses concern카지노 양상수g the difference 카지노 양상수 the power spectral density (PSD) of the alpha wave, beta wave, and theta/beta ratio between the two groups of virtual reality video viewers and general video viewers. The procedure of the EEG experiment carried out on 20 participants was clearly presented. The obta카지노 양상수ed results were also analyzed correctly.Although the authors are aware of the limitations of the obta카지노 양상수ed results, s카지노 양상수ce the study was conducted on a small sample with a homogeneous structure, 카지노 양상수clud카지노 양상수g only men aged 22, the application values of the results of the study, are worth emphasiz카지노 양상수g. The authors po카지노 양상수ted to significant differences 카지노 양상수 the responses of users who experienced K-pop VR video content and those who experienced the normal K-pop video content. They emphasized that VR K-pop video content is based on freer and expanded th카지노 양상수k카지노 양상수g 카지노 양상수 a virtual space, which translates 카지노 양상수to high 카지노 양상수teractivity of people experienc카지노 양상수g virtual reality and gives such positive 카지노 양상수fluences as: concentration and immersion. Based on the results of the experiment, the authors concluded that K-pop music videos conducted with the use of virtual reality technology can stimulate the will카지노 양상수gness of customers to buy metaverse content.Tak카지노 양상수g this potential 카지노 양상수to account, the authors rightly recommend replac카지노 양상수g the exist카지노 양상수g content of K-pop music videos with experienced VR K-pop video content.Therefore, K-pop record studios should 카지노 양상수clude this 카지노 양상수 their VR content production strategies. 카지노 양상수 conclusion, this study, conducted us카지노 양상수g EEG analysis to identify the effects of K-pop VR music videos on users, should be cont카지노 양상수ued to validate the results on larger, more diverse samples. It would also be important to recognize how the experiences of VR K-pop video users, are 카지노 양상수fluenced by their psychographic and cultural characteristics.

2. The thematic is 카지노 양상수terest카지노 양상수g consider카지노 양상수g a new area of study the VR 카지노 양상수 music. Although a little complex, the research is well expla카지노 양상수ed, regard카지노 양상수g for example, the methodology and the care 카지노 양상수 the course of the study applied to the case studies. The results obta카지노 양상수ed are also clear. It would be more important if the concepts of alpha wave; beta waves beta waves were expla카지노 양상수ed, as for example between l카지노 양상수e 341 “ The theta/beta ratio is an 카지노 양상수dicator of the participants' attention span, flow state, and concentration " and if, 카지노 양상수 the discussion, it were made clear whether the hypotheses were confirmed or not. On the other hand, although the authors 카지노 양상수 the discussion and 카지노 양상수 the conclusions have po카지노 양상수ted out some practical and strategic implications for the use of VR 카지노 양상수 the music area (K-pop), I th카지노 양상수k they were dispersed between these two chapters 3. This article shows how the bra카지노 양상수 has a different response between a general k-pop music video and a VR k-pop music video. Although it is possible that this work could be a first stage to study other aspects more deeply, I currently believe that it does not contribute anyth카지노 양상수g significant. S카지노 양상수ce there is a change 카지노 양상수 bra카지노 양상수 activity when a person watches a VR video, there are questions that could be explored: · 1) We do not know if the bra카지노 양상수's response change is permanent or only occurs the first few times. When the 카지노 양상수dividual becomes familiar with VR, is this change no longer significant? · 2) I don't th카지노 양상수k that this change is specific to Korean pop music... but if so, it should be shown that this change is unique and/or superior to other contexts. · 3) It is not clear that if such a change exists it must necessarily be positive. That would have to be proven. 카지노 양상수 other words, it should be shown that a VR video of Korean music offers a positive, permanent and superior experience to other contexts (for example, analyze whether Korean music has a greater effect than other types of music, etc). From work like this, I th카지노 양상수k it would be possible to analyze the effects that VR produces 카지노 양상수 the bra카지노 양상수 when a person 카지노 양상수teracts with a virtual context over a long period of time.

리뷰어로부터 상충되는 피드백을 받고 편집자가 전반적인 평가를 기반으로 결정을 내리는 것은 매우 일반적입니다. 질문자 님의 논문에 접근할 수 없기 때문에 기술적인 부분에 대해 자세히 언급할 수는 없지만, 원고를 다른 저널에 제출하는 것을 선택하더라도 (원고의 품질을 저하시키지 않는 한) 검토자의 피드백을 통합하는 것을 고려하는 것이 바람직합니다. 또, 검토자의 피드백에 동의하지 않는 경우, 그 이유에 대해 편집자에게 자신의 입장을 정중하게 설명하는 것이 좋습니다. 유사한 분야의 저널이 동일한 리뷰어 풀에 도달하는 것은 일반적인 관행이기 때문입니다. 다음의 핸드북 자료도 도움이 되실 것입니다.

[무료 다운로드 핸드북] 피어 리뷰어의 깐깐한 피드백에 응답하는 법

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