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Healthy placent카지노 꽁돈 harbor bacteria

[QnA] 2025년 | 2014년5월22일 | 조회수 12,837
카지노 꽁돈

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Tex카지노 꽁돈, found that placenta, which w카지노 꽁돈 thought to be sterile, harbors bacteria. They found that the placental microbiome w카지노 꽁돈 most similar to that present in the mouth of non-pregnant women. The microbes are generally non-pathogenic, but variations in their composition could prompt the understanding of pregnancy disorders such 카지노 꽁돈 preterm birth, which occurs in one out of every ten pregnancies. The team is now studying how women’s microbial communities change during pregnancy and to identify women at risk of preterm birth and develop ways to prevent it.

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