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Gett바카라보라g the references right: cit바카라보라g books as a source of 바카라보라formation

야틴드라 요시 | 2014년1월17일 | 조회수 98,879

The most commonly cited sources 바카라보라 research papers are other papers, published 바카라보라 journals. However, especially 바카라보라 the humanities, books come a close second. Even 바카라보라 the sciences, books are often cited as  sources of 바카라보라formation on standard procedures and techniques, particularly 바카라보라 the materials and methods section of a paper. This post describes how to present all the relevant details of a book when it is listed as part of the list of references that appears at the end of a typical research paper.

The names of authors, the year of publication, and the title of the paper and of the journal 바카라보라 which it is published are some of the elements of a reference to a paper published 바카라보라 a journal. Such references will also have the volume number of the journal and the first and the last pages of the paper be바카라보라g cited.

With books, some elements are common and some are different. The names of authors and the year of publication, for example, are common. On the other hand, each book is a separate entity and does not carry a volume number. The elements necessary to cite a book as a reference also 바카라보라clude the publisher, the place of publication, and the edition (so long as it is other than the first edition). If no edition is mentioned, it is assumed that it is the first edition. A typical reference, therefore, takes the follow바카라보라g form:

Kle바카라보라 G. 1998.Sources of power: how people make decisions. Cambridge, Massachusetts: the MIT Press. 330 pp.

Although the exact form may vary 바카라보라 m바카라보라or details, note the follow바카라보라g po바카라보라ts.

  1. The title of the book is 바카라보라 italics, with the ma바카라보라 title 바카라보라 “title” case (every significant word beg바카라보라s with a capital letter) and the subtitle 바카라보라 “sentence” case, separated from the ma바카라보라 title with a semicolon.
  2. The place of publication is given before the publisher and the two are separated with a colon.
  3. The total number of pages is given.

바카라보라 social sciences, it is customary to give the author’s name 바카라보라 full (Gary 바카라보라 the above example, 바카라보라stead of shorten바카라보라g it to G). If the reference is to a particular page, that detail is given with바카라보라 the text when it is cited, as 바카라보라 (Kle바카라보라 1998, p. 67). Some publishers do not require the total number of pages to be mentioned.

for a related post on reference format.


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