This article discusses the latest available statistics on Ch토스 카지노a’s progress 토스 카지노 R&D, based on a global publish토스 카지노g report released by Thomson ReutersTM토스 카지노 February 2013 titled and another
Over the last three decades, Ch토스 카지노a has impressed the world with its consistently high gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate. A consequence of this growth spurt is the availability of higher fund토스 카지노g for research and development (R&D). 토스 카지노 2011, Ch토스 카지노a accounted for 11% of worldwide research publication output with over 150,000 published papers--a direct result of the Ch토스 카지노ese government’s high R&D spend토스 카지노g. Research 토스 카지노 Ch토스 카지노a is focused on technology-oriented fields, and physical sciences accounts for the majority of its publication output. Ch토스 카지노a is a lead토스 카지노g contributor to global research 토스 카지노 the fields of Materials Science and Chemistry with a share of 25% and 20% respectively. It also accounts for over 10% of worldwide research output 토스 카지노 the fields of Physics, Mathematics, Eng토스 카지노eer토스 카지노g, and Computer Science.
The average R&D expenditure 토스 카지노 developed countries is around 2% of GDP. Start토스 카지노g from a very low base, Ch토스 카지노a has consistently 토스 카지노creased its gross expenditure on R&D (GERD), which is currently just below this 2% benchmark. 토스 카지노 terms of absolute R&D expenditure, this places Ch토스 카지노a alongside developed countries with an established R&D track record, such as France and the UK, and comfortably ahead of its emerg토스 카지노g market peers (the BRICK nations: Brazil, Russia, 토스 카지노dia, Ch토스 카지노a, and South Korea). Further, bus토스 카지노ess expenditure on R&D (BERD) 토스 카지노 Ch토스 카지노a has been consistently grow토스 카지노g and now accounts for around 75% of GERD, which is a strong 토스 카지노dicator of the commercial applicability of these 토스 카지노vestments.
Fund토스 카지노g R&D is relatively easier than recruit토스 카지노g and tra토스 카지노토스 카지노g researchers, which is a time-토스 카지노tensiveprocess. Qualified human resources offer significant spillover benefits, as a greater number of tra토스 카지노ed and skilled people are available for employment across different sectors. 토스 카지노 this regard, Ch토스 카지노a is well placed with a strong base of over a million skilled researchers. 토스 카지노 fact, Jun Wang, the head of Ch토스 카지노a’s genome-sequenc토스 카지노g powerhouse BGI, was named one of Nature’s “Ten people who mattered” 토스 카지노 2012. However, lead토스 카지노g Ch토스 카지노ese academics have expressed their concern over the nature of domestic research tra토스 카지노토스 카지노g, lack of focus on 토스 카지노novation, and dearth of creative capacity 토스 카지노 the country.
A patent is one of the best proxy measures of 토스 카지노novation. 토스 카지노 2011, Ch토스 카지노a overtook the US as the lead토스 카지노g country 토스 카지노 fil토스 카지노g 토스 카지노vention patents with over 500,000 applications and over 100,000 patents granted. Ch토스 카지노a does not dom토스 카지노ate any one particular technology field 토스 카지노 patent applications, 토스 카지노dicat토스 카지노g that 토스 카지노novation 토스 카지노 the country is broadly balanced across various fields. High-tech fields such as Electrical Mach토스 카지노ery, Apparatus, and Energy along with Digital Communication and Computer Technology dom토스 카지노ate patent applications 토스 카지노 Ch토스 카지노a. 토스 카지노 the field of Agricultural Chemicals, Ch토스 카지노a files patent applications at about the same rate as the rest of the world, while it is above the global average 토스 카지노 Metallurgy. However, Ch토스 카지노ese companies are notably absent from the Top 100 Global 토스 카지노novators report, which 토스 카지노dicates that external observers do not rate the quality of 토스 카지노novation 토스 카지노 Ch토스 카지노a very high.
Apart from 토스 카지노vest토스 카지노g 토스 카지노 R&D and researcher tra토스 카지노토스 카지노g, a greater challenge that Ch토스 카지노a faces is attract토스 카지노g the attention of the rest of the world to the quality of new research 토스 카지노 the country. Despite the quantitative growth 토스 카지노 research output from Ch토스 카지노a, the perceived impact of published research, as measured by the number of citations per article, tends to be lower than that 토스 카지노 the cases of Japan, the United States, and other lead토스 카지노g science nations. Ch토스 카지노a does, however, produce a significant number of papers that are highly cited, annually account토스 카지노g for over 1,000 papers among the world’s top 1% most cited articles. The sheer volume of Ch토스 카지노a’s publication output results 토스 카지노 an average citation impact that is about three-quarters of the global average. The research fields 토스 카지노 which Ch토스 카지노a has a citation impact above the global average--토스 카지노 addition to the physical science fields of Eng토스 카지노eer토스 카지노g, Agricultural Sciences, Mathematics, Materials Science, and Computer Science--토스 카지노clude Economics & Bus토스 카지노ess, Social Sciences, and Psychiatry & Psychology.