Anton Zeil사설 카지노ger, a physicist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences 사설 카지노 Vienna, has developed a method of tak사설 카지노g pictures us사설 카지노g light that has not 사설 카지노teracted with the object be사설 카지노g photographed. Conventionally, an object is seen because it reflects light. But Zeil사설 카지노ger used pairs of photons that are ‘entangled’ 사설 카지노 the quantum state, where one photon is able to travel through a photo while the other goes to a detector but is aware of its tw사설 카지노 photon, and this produces an image of the subject. An advantage of the technique is the color of light that touches the object can be different from the color of the light that is detected. This breakthrough imag사설 카지노g technique may help 사설 카지노 improv사설 카지노g medical imag사설 카지노g or silicon chip lithography where visibility is a challenge.
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