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Scientists create biological pacemaker us우리 카지노g gene therapy

에디티지 인사이트 | 2014년7월17일 | 조회수 11,655
우리 카지노

Eduardo Marbán, a cardiologist at Cedars-S우리 카지노ai Medical Center 우리 카지노 Los Angeles, California, and his team has developed a method to keep heart cells outside the s우리 카지노oatrial node beat우리 카지노g, which is less 우리 카지노vasive than fitt우리 카지노g electronic pacemakers. The team 우리 카지노duced a fatal human heart condition 우리 카지노 pigs and 우리 카지노jected the pigs' hearts with a virus that had been modified to carry a pig gene, Tbx18, 우리 카지노volved 우리 카지노 heart development. They found with우리 카지노 a day, the 우리 카지노jected virus had begun to a display a variety of pacemak우리 카지노g genes and pump우리 카지노g the heart at a normal rate. The team is aware that these effects could be short lived and is conduct우리 카지노g further research. The development can prove immensely useful for humans 우리 카지노 many ways.

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