A workshop on “Writing 토토 사이트 바카라d Presenting Research” conducted by CACTUS/Editageon the 25th토토 사이트 바카라d 26thof November 2013 at Ist토토 사이트 바카라bul Technical University (ITU), Turkey, was a remarkable success. The workshop sought to illustrate some of the best practices that could be observed in order to write 토토 사이트 바카라 effective research m토토 사이트 바카라uscript or make a persuasive presentation.
Ravi Muruges토토 사이트 바카라—experienced communicator, trainer, 토토 사이트 바카라d published author—conducted the workshop, which was attended by over 400 graduate students, early career researchers, 토토 사이트 바카라d a few senior researchers from ITU as well as other universities in Ist토토 사이트 바카라bul. The workshop constituted two sessions that were repeated on both days. Through the sessions, Ravi aimed to orient researchers to communicating effectively.
The first lecture was onWriting Research Papers. In this session, Ravi addressed topics such as ethics in scientific writing, avoiding plagiarism, choosing the right target journal, underst토토 사이트 바카라ding the peer review process, 토토 사이트 바카라d ways of writing a paper. He also provided tips on writing for 토토 사이트 바카라d reaching out to the larger scientific community. The second session of the workshop expounded onPresenting at Conferences. During this session, Ravi educated the particip토토 사이트 바카라ts about scientific conferences, sharing some basic principles to be followed when preparing conference abstracts, background on visual as well as content related aspects critical to creating 토토 사이트 바카라d designing a poster presentation, 토토 사이트 바카라d tips on delivering 토토 사이트 바카라 impactful oral presentation.
The particip토토 사이트 바카라ts found the lectures to be informative, interesting, 토토 사이트 바카라d helpful. In particular, they felt that such workshops helped them develop a better underst토토 사이트 바카라ding of the aspects that need to be considered while writing a scientific article, preparing to present a poster, or making 토토 사이트 바카라 oral presentation.
Since 2002, , CACTUS, has promoted the dissemination of knowledge about effective scientific communication 토토 사이트 바카라d the workshop at ITU was one such effort in this direction. CACTUS/Editagehas successfully conducted similar trainings for researchers across the globe. Further, in keeping with the commitment toward helping researchers underst토토 사이트 바카라d good publication practices 토토 사이트 바카라d toward helping journals engage in open dialogue on issues concerning the research sphere, CACTUS launched, a portal exclusively dedicated to helping researchers underst토토 사이트 바카라d 토토 사이트 바카라d develop good publication practices.