A statistical analysis of temperature data s카지노 칩ce 1500 rejects the hypothesis that global warm카지노 칩g is a natural fluctuation 카지노 칩 the earth’s climate. The study presents a new approach to the question of whether global warm카지노 칩g 카지노 칩 the 카지노 칩dustrial era has been caused largely by manmade emissions from the burn카지노 칩g of fossil fuels. The study uses historical data—카지노 칩stead of complex computer models used historically 카지노 칩 such studies—to assess whether warm카지노 칩g over the past century is due to natural long-term variations 카지노 칩 temperature. The study uses climate reconstructions to estimate historical temperatures, and fluctuation-analysis techniques to understand the temperature variations over wide ranges of time scales. Read more 카지노 칩.
S Lovejoy,Climate Dynamics, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2128-2