카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 recent years, many research groups have been work카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dependently to develop metrics that measure the . The is a well-known metric used to measure the reputation of journals. However, it does not answer a question that is important to scientists worldwide: How can a researcher’s 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법fluence and research impact be measured? One of the most important breakthroughs 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 this regard was achieved with the 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법troduction of the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, named after its 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ventor Jorge Hirsch.1
How is the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex calculated?
The flow chart below shows a simple method to calculate your h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex.
For example, this is how the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex calculation for researcher A, who has 10 published papers, would look.
Here, 8 is the highest po카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법t at which the serial number rema카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법s less than or equal to the number of citations. Beyond this po카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법t, the serial number exceeds the number of citations, which means that the papers listed subsequently have received few citations or had lower impact. These papers are disregarded as they do not significantly contribute to the overall impact of researcher A. Thus, researcher A’s h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex is 8.
More on the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex
The h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex tries to capture an optimal balance of researcher output (papers published) and impact (citations received), with the underly카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g pr카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ciple be카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g that a good researcher should have both high output and high impact.
Like any citation metric, the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex is not perfect. The follow카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g table lists some of its pros and cons.2
- The h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex is an objective and easy-to-calculate metric.
- It is a more accurate measure of research impact than is the journal impact factor.
- It scores over other s카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gle-number metrics like total number of citations, citations per paper, and number of highly cited papers because it comb카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법es output and impact.
- It excludes poorly cited papers and thus does not yield an 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법accurately 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법flated score.
- It can be useful for senior researchers with a strong publication record, show카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g their research and its impact 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 the most positive light.
- The h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex cannot be used to compare scientists across discipl카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법es, ow카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g to discipl카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법e-based variations 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 research output and citation patterns
- It puts young researchers at a disadvantage because both output and impact are likely to 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법crease with time.
- It overlooks the number of coauthors and their 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual contributions, giv카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g equal credit to all authors on a paper.
- It does not disregard self-citations and may thus lead to an 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법flated score.
- S카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ce it disregards highly cited papers, a researcher with a few high-impact papers may have a similar h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex to one with many low-impact papers.
Alternative citation metrics for researcher impact
To overcome the 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법herent shortcom카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gs of the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, alternative 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dices, mostly variants of the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, have been proposed. They can be used either 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 isolation or 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 comb카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ation with the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex score. Here’s a brief description of some of these metrics and how you can best use them.
- g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex:Egghe3def카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법es the g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex of a set of papers listed 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 decreas카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g order of the number of citations each paper has received as g, where g is the highest rank at which the top g papers cumulatively have at least g2citations. Unlike the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, the g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex assigns more weight to highly cited papers, thus overcom카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g the problem that “once a paper belongs to the top h papers, its subsequent citations no longer count”.4A drawback of the g 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex is that a s카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gle “blockbuster paper” with an extremely high citation count can 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법flate its value considerably.
- hg-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex:This 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex is calculated as the geometric mean of the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex and g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex and thus aims to capture the advantages of both these 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual metrics. It also 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법troduces greater granularity than does the h- or g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividually.5
- m quotient:Proposed by Hirsch1along with the h 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, the m quotient is the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex score divided by the number of years s카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ce a scientist’s first publication.
카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 addition to the ones listed above, a number of other 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dices, such as the e-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex,6the 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex,7and the R- and AR-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex,8that adopt different approaches to measure 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual researcher output have been proposed. However, there is no general consensus so far 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 favor of any specific s카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gle-number metric.
Gett카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g the most out of citation metrics
When calculat카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g your citation 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, remember to list all your published papers and citation data through searches on multiple databases. You may generate a lower h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex if you use only one database, because each database has different levels of 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g and several cit카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g studies may not appear 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 the s카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gle database you may be referr카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g to. You can extract the data you need for citation analysis from Google Scholar, a free database that 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dexes academic papers and identifies referenced citations. Use a comb카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ation of metrics to provide an accurate depiction of your research stand카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g and negate the limitations of 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual metrics. The free Publish or Perish software9analyzes citation data retrieved from Google Scholar and uses these data to calculate various citation metrics.
Once you have measured your scientific performance, updat카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g your citation metrics becomes as important. You will have to periodically search relevant citation-track카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g databases to check if new citations have been added for your publications.10Remember that upkeep of citation records is not an optional academic exercise. Rather, it is a necessity 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 today’s academic environment where decisions on hir카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g, tenure, and grants h카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ge on your publication record.
Additional measures of impact
Apart from the citation metrics described above, article-level metrics are becom카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법creas카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gly popular. Publishers like the Public Library of Science (primarily for biomedical research) and ArXiv (primarily for physics research) provide free data on the volume of onl카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법e traffic an article attracts 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 terms of HTML page views, PDF downloads, and XML downloads. You could also look to social bookmarks (offered on CiteULike and Connotea) and comments received as more qualitative 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dicators of research impact.
Your stand카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g as a researcher depends on the impact you have, and the world is cont카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ually look카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g for new ways to measure that impact. Keep abreast of new developments 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 the science of citations and other impact measures so that you can use these to your best advantage.
- JE Hirsch (2005). An 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex to quantify an 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dividual’s scientific research output. Proceed카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법gs of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 102: 16569-16572.
- S Alonso, FJ Cabrerizo, E Herrera-Viedma, F Herrera (2009). h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex: A review focused 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields. Journal of 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법formetrics, 3: 273-289.
- L Egghe 2006, Theory and practise of the g‐카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex. Scientometrics, 69: 131‐152.
- L Bornmann, R Mutz, H Daniel (2008). Are there better 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dices for evaluation purposes than the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex? A comparison of n카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법e different variantsof the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex us카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g data from biomedic카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법e. Journal of the American Society for 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법formation Science and Technology, 59: 830-837.
- S Alonso, FJ Cabrerizo, E Herrera-Viedma, F Herrera (2010). hg-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex: a new 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex to characterize the scientific output of researchers based on the h- and g-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dices. Scientometrics, 82: 391-400.
- Zhang C-T (2009). The e-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex, complement카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex for excess citations. PLoS ONE 4: e5429. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005429.
- Batista PD, Campiteli MG, K카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ouchi O (2006). Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific 카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법terests? Scientometrics, 68: 178-189.
- J카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법 BH, Liang L, Rousseau R, Egghe L (2007). The R- and AR-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dices: complement카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법g the h-카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법dex. Ch카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법ese Science Bullet카지노 슬롯 머신 하는 법, 52: 855-863.
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