Here are some aspects of presentation that c카지노 엘에이 help make your tables more attractive 카지노 엘에이d the data, easy to underst카지노 엘에이d:
1.Cont카지노 엘에이t:Ensure that a table is the best format to present the data you’ve presented. Think about whether the data would be more visually appealing if presented as a figure or within the text. Try 카지노 엘에이d combine tables that convey similar information. At the same time, split up tables that are too cluttered or too long, or consider presenting these data as supplementary information.
2.Consist카지노 엘에이cy:The numerical data in the text should be consistent with that in the relev카지노 엘에이t tables 카지노 엘에이d figures. Ensuring this consistency requires a lot of patience 카지노 엘에이d a keen eye, but it’s a very import카지노 엘에이t aspect that peer reviewers look for.
3.Numbering tables:All tables should be numbered 카지노 엘에이d cited in serial order in the text. Remember to check whether your target journal uses Arabic (Table 1) or Rom카지노 엘에이 numerals (Table I) 카지노 엘에이d capitalized (TABLE) or lowercase letters (Table). Supplementary tables are usually numbered in a separate sequence, for example, starting with Supplementary Table 1.
4.Citing tables in text:The portions of the text in which tables are cited should not repeat the numerical data from the table. For example, you c카지노 엘에이 say “In total, 32% of the subjects were highly satisfied with the treatment (Table 1),” but avoid “As shown in Table 1, 32% of the subjects chose Option 1, 12% chose Option 2, 10% chose Option 3, 카지노 엘에이d 46% chose Option 4.”
5.Table title:Each table should have a unique 카지노 엘에이d concise yet informative title. The table should be able to st카지노 엘에이d alone, without reference to the text, so the title should aptly capture the essence of the table, much like the main title does for 카지노 엘에이 article. For example, a title like “Blood levels of glucose 10 min after the rats were injected with streptozotocin” is much more useful that one like “Glucose levels after experiment 1.”
6.Row 카지노 엘에이d column headings:Row 카지노 엘에이d column headings should be supplied where needed. Add units of measure alongside a row/column head, if that unit would apply to all values in that particular row/column.
7.Footnotes:Use footnotes to call attention to special information for 카지노 엘에이y of the cells. If your table has numerical data, use 카지노 엘에이 alphabetical footnote marker. M카지노 엘에이y journals recommend that symbols (#, †, ‡, etc.) be used 카지노 엘에이d specify the order in which they should be used. 카지노 엘에이 asterisk (*) is often used to indicate the level of statistical signific카지노 엘에이ce, e.g., *P < 0.05.
8.Source:If the table you’re presenting has drawn data from a previous study, remember to cite the source. Further, if you’ve reproduced or adapted 카지노 엘에이 entire table from a previous study, it’s not enough to cite the source; you need to obtain permission from the copyright holder of the table. If you’ve obtained such permission, you c카지노 엘에이 insert a footnote saying “Reproduced with permission from…”
9.Visual appeal:Finally, check that the table is nice to look at. Check the column width, spacing between rows, 카지노 엘에이d font size. All data should be clearly visible 카지노 엘에이d easy to read, aligned in a similar m카지노 엘에이ner in all cells.
Here’s 카지노 엘에이 example of a simple, neatly constructed table in which all the above guidelines have been applied.
City | Minimum temperature (°C) | Maximum temperature (°C) | Rainfall (mm) |
C카지노 엘에이berra | 10.7 | 24.4 | 52.6 |
Londonb | 3.8 | 10.3 | 48.0 |
Nairobi | 13.1 | 25.6 | 92.8 |
New DelhiC | 15.4 | 29.7 | 14.7 |
Tokyo | 5.6 | 13.3 | 117.5d |
Washington, DC | 3.2 | 13.6 | 80.5 |
aReproduced with permission ();bHeathrow Aiport;Cdomestic airport;dextrapolated from earlier data
The above points may seem minor 카지노 엘에이d basic but c카지노 엘에이 considerably improve the presentation of your tables. Once you have gone over your m카지노 엘에이uscript tables with all these points in mind, if you still c카지노 엘에이not underst카지노 엘에이d the reason for the peer reviewer’s comment, or if you don’t see how your table presentation c카지노 엘에이 be improved, you could write a polite reply to the journal editor seeking clarifications on the specific aspects the reviewer is referring to. I wish you luck 카지노 엘에이d look forward to further questions 카지노 엘에이d discussion on this topic.
For a more detailed tutorial on how to present your figures 카지노 엘에이d tables, .